Sharp V-65’s Next Generation LCD TV
Interesting Stuff
Last August, during V52 debut which revealed that there was indication of larger panel to come. Now the V62 is launched to the same specification of V52 with full HD full resolution but higher contrast ratio of 100,000 to 1, NTSC color reproduction ratio is 150% and maintained the same display thickness of 20 millimeters. This is exactly what the industry standard is gearing towards ‘Big Screen’ into marketing position.
In United States, the sale is to begin from the beginning of February under the Aquos series. Aquos is a revolutionary service which will provide customized web-based content as well as real time customer support directly on the Aquos television. This Aquos advantage allows people to feel free to access Aquos net on the remote control button. To the right of the screen will appear a sign of widgets, stock prices, weather, and interactive online help. Next in line would be three major networks in America that will provide entertainment content in the forthcoming direction of Sharp’s product.