Sex Toy and Sex Styles to Enhance Your Sex Power
Funny JunkThis item is on sale in the US. It looks like a seat but with a hole in the center. Guess what is its intended to use? You might ask as well. You will never believe it, it is an accessory or sex toy for you to have more relaxing and enjoyable sex, it can also help you to enhance your sex power. See the animated pictures below and the explanation for more details of its usage. It’s on sale in the United States for $99.00, but don’t all rush to buy this, you may jam the site!
The classic Gravitizer position that satisfies every time. The convex saddle shape gently compresses her anatomy into a velvet vice – a unique sensation no other toy can give – rendering extra stimu lation and pleasure for both partners. Alternate with Flexing for a ride that’s got energy and nuance.
Nothing beats a slow, sensual flexing. One of the easiest, most pleasant position that can give you The Gravitizer. Alternate with the Trot, or reverse directions for more intimacy – the Flexer can be done facing either way. Always place legs through The Gravitizer as shown to prevent tipping.
Extra control for her, with an exotic clamping action on the upstroke. Have her grip the sides and pull down for greater penetration. You can use towels and pillows for more comfortable ride.
Give her the full treatment. A rock-hard shaft and a pair of loving hands at the same time render a potent, soothing climax. Position next to a bed or other firm support for his comfort.
Throw her over the doghouse – a natural for doggy-style lovers. A classic position freed of awkward balance and position issues, and now also allowing her to masturbate comfortably while enjoying vigorous rear entry. Put a thick towel on the saddle for her comfort.
One of the most popular positions, offering soothing penetration in the comfort of a loving embrace. Let him bounce her for a heady ride to ecstasy. Position next to a bed or other firm support for his comfort.
Extra control and authority for a position that demands a strong performance. Have him go “hands-only” for a more athletic position – just curl legs.
October 7th, 2007 at 10:00 am
it looks really can improve the sex power on bed, everyone must buy one.