McDonald’s Become Home For “McRefugees”
Advice and GuideMcDonald’s is no longer just a restaurant for people to munch a burger & enjoy your family day. McRefugees, a term imported from Japan, the people who can’t afford to pay rent or bus fares and choose to sleep in one of the 24-hour McDonald’s restaurants in Japan and Hong Kong.
“I had lost my job for about a month. I have no money to pay my rent, so I come here to sleep,” a Hong Kong man tells the Apple Daily. “It has air conditioning here. It’s better than sleeping in parks.” In addition, the fast food chain has also become a new playground for “McGamers” – people who play portable games such as PlayStation Portable and Nintendo DS for hours in McDonald’s.
Anyway, McDonald’s said customers are welcome to visit the restaurants anytime and that they haven’t received any complaints regarding customers staying in the restaurants for a long time.