Do Vegetarians Make Better Lovers?
Interesting StuffThere has been quite a highlight in vegetarianism over the last few years. Vegetarians have given inspiringly an impression of a chic and a different sort of leisure in one’s lifestyle. But beyond that image, medical research provides some surprising facts about vegetarianism. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, a vegetarian diet is 97% effective in preventing blood vessel blockage. Many other studies show that an all-veggie diet can remarkably reduce the risk of cancer.
Members of animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals kiss as part of an event to draw attention to health problems posed by eating meat. The placard reads, “Vegetarians are better lovers.”
But is living on vegetables really as healthy as some people claim it to be? What about pregnant women — can a vegetarian diet provide the proper nutrition the baby needs? Also it was mentioned that vegetarians do it organically. But is there really a “veggie difference” when one makes love? Do vegetarians have sexual traits that can distinguish them from meat-eaters?
Does all that chlorophyll really get their hormones going? Are vegetarians better, worse or even noticeably different as lovers? And what makes a good lover, anyway?